Pong - #1 in 20 Games Challenge!

Pong was a great start to familiarize myself with a new game engine like Godot as well as its scripting language GDScript.

It's fun to see your ball bounce from the walls with normalized angels. I tried to make the enemy paddle AI to behave in a pretty challenging but not impossible way. Seeing the Godot icon on the paddles always makes me smile.

Pong is endless in this version, so play until you are satisfied with your score. 

WS to move up/down


#4 Asteroids
#3 Frogger
#2 Breakout
#1 Pong (this game!)

The idea behind the 20 Games Challenge is to bridge that gap between learning the basics and feeling comfortable to start your own bigger projects. Its main goal is to develop the necessary skills by making vertical slices. This means including all the main features & mechanics but refraining from making full games. Games on this list build on each other and increase in complexity as I progress. I am a long-time passionate hobbyist from Dreams, with some previous first experience in Unity. Now I develop exclusively in Godot, including all games in this challenge. For my art, I use Procreate, Blender and Womp3D. I hope to meet many other aspiring devs along the way, so feel free to connect!


Pong.zip 24 MB

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