Asteroids- #4 in 20 Games Challenge!

With Asteroids, I remade another Atari classic in Godot for the challenge! This time it turned out closer to the original visual style than with Frogger. It was fun to create this project and it feels nice to play! I learned about carrying player stats and infinite level progression with singletons - you can try to best your highscore with each try! My first particle effect is also in here. Lots of learnings from the previous games of the challenge like instantiating and deleting scenes as well as collision detection carried over to the development of Asteroids.

W to move forward
A/D to rotate
Space to shoot
Esc to quit


#4 Asteroids (this game!)
#3 Frogger
#2 Breakout
#1 Pong

The idea behind the 20 Games Challenge is to bridge that gap between learning the basics and feeling comfortable to start your own bigger projects. Its main goal is to develop the necessary skills by making vertical slices. This means including all the main features & mechanics but refraining from making full games. Games on this list build on each other and increase in complexity as I progress. I am a long-time passionate hobbyist from Dreams, with some previous first experience in Unity. Now I develop exclusively in Godot, including all games in this challenge. For my art, I use Procreate, Blender and Womp3D. I hope to meet many other aspiring devs along the way, so feel free to connect!

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